The iShares “Choose Your Investment Goal” experience (the “tool”) is designed to help investors learn about iShares ETFs that may help them meet their financial goals. It filters a universe of more than 350 U.S. iShares ETFs to a smaller selection through the lens of broad investment goals by using criteria such as asset class, geography, and investment objective. As many factors could influence a decision about which product is best suited for a given investment goal, this information should not be relied upon exclusively when evaluating various investment options.
Categories are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent all possible investor goals. The funds shown are intended to illustrate possible investment ideas to consider. This information should not be relied upon as research, investment advice, or a recommendation regarding any products, strategies, or any security in particular. Any fund selection is category-driven and is not tailored to the investment objectives or needs of any particular investor. Investors should consult with their financial professionals prior to making an investment decision.
The table below describes the criteria used to generate the funds displayed in each category. Please select “All relevant funds” to view and consider the full set of funds that meet the criteria for each category, as applicable. As of November 12, 2024. iShares ETFs launched after this date are not displayed in the tool. The tool is generally updated annually.