Many of our iShares sustainable ETFs seek to track an index with business involvement screens. Business involvement screens seek to remove exposure to controversial business activities that may pose risks or violate an investor’s preferences. Learn more about the specific screens below.



The definition for each screen.

Controversial weaponsCompanies involved >0% in the manufacturing of the components of a weapon or ≥25% ownership by revenue. These components are intended solely for use in the production and are essential for the functioning of Anti-Personnel Mines, Biological and Chemical Weapons, Blinding Laser Weapons, Cluster Munitions, Depleted Uranium, Incendiary Weapons and Nuclear Weapons. Companies involved >0% in the supply of products and/or services such as stockpiling and transferring, and sales for Anti-Personnel Mines, Biological and Chemical Weapons, Blinding Laser Weapons, Cluster Munitions, Depleted Uranium, Incendiary Weapons and Nuclear Weapons or ≥25% ownership by revenue.
Small armsCompanies involved >0% in the manufacturing of small arms weapons for civilian use. Companies involved >0% in the manufacturing of small arms weapon for non-civilian use. Companies involved >0% in the manufacturing of key components for assault weapons. Companies involved >0% in the retail or distribution of small arms weapons for civilian customers.
TobaccoCompanies involved >0% in the manufacturing of tobacco. Companies that supply ≥10% of essential products/services for the tobacco industry. Companies involved ≥10% in the retail and/or distribution of tobacco as part of their offerings or ≥25% ownership by revenue.
Oil sands and shale energyCompanies involved ≥5% in the extraction and/or production of fossil fuels from Oil Sands/Tar Sands. Companies involved ≥5% in the extraction and/or production of Shale oil and gas.
Thermal coalCompanies that own/and or operate ≥5% of coal mines that engage in thermal coal mining. Companies involved ≥5% in the electricity generation using coal power plants.
Fossil fuel reservesAll companies with specific fossil fuel reserves, as measured by S&P Trucost Limited (Trucost) including Thermal Coal, ‘Other’ (non-Metallurgical) Coal, Conventional and Unconventional Oil, Natural Gas, Shale Gas, ‘Other’ Oil and Gas.